
This site is about  the ancient history (primarily of the Israelites) of the Middle Eas, my research and conclusions.  For starters my pages will have to do with Joseph, the son of Jacob, the Israelites in Egypt and their escape from bondage with Moses and the pharaohs they dealt with.   I am also looking at the Genesis flood and the Garden of Eden.  See the page "People, Places & Events" for definitions and conventions used in this site.

Canaan was the land of the Israelites.  They were between the Great Powers of that time, Egypt, Hatti, Assyria and Babylon.

There are many possibilities with dates here so I must focus on one date from which other dates, people and events are determined.   That date is 1446 BC as the date of the Exodus.  New discoveries are happening often now, bringing affirmations  and settling debates.  

The pages here show people and events are mostly copied from Wikipedia. I intend to expand on the from other sources as I find them.  The Bible, of course, is the main source for Wikipedia, but other sources such as the Book of Jubilees provides much informmation too.  


I am satisfied with my conclusions regarding the Exodus taking place in 1446 BC, Moses life, service to the Lord, and all other times and places of events associated with him.   The records of the  Egyptian kings have been very helpful.   I now go on to the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.




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